Only categories currently accepting submissions are shown below

ARCHIVE/PURGE POLICY: Please note, we delete all submissions from the database after two years. Maintain your own records as needed. We believe this is in the best interest of writers.

Please see our website at for more information. 

Do you want to create and edit your own anthology for BWP? Submit your idea and proposed process here (show us you know how it works) as well as a resume. Editor will be paid in royalties, copies, and swag. 

Please note, an anthology means the work of multiple authors. Single author collections will not be considered.

Looking for good young adult writing that turns pages--but romance is not necessary.

Please only submit if you are familiar with the current young adult market, actively participate in organizations such as SCBWI, attend conferences, and/or are you have an active social media presence in the genre.

Submit traditional queries only. We will request partials for anything interesting.

For publication on the website only...

Important Guidelines:

500-800 words

You must not personally know the poet. It is ok if you have met them somewhere, but not ok if you have had them over to your place for dinner or if they are married to your sister,

You cannot quote more than 20 lines from the book

Big Wonderful Press